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Presque Isle Mall Converted into an Escape Room

The arrival of Easter means scavenger hunts, arts and crafts, chocolate eggs and… escape rooms? The Aroostook Centre Mall has teamed up with MSAD 1 to create an Easter themed escape room for the kids to enjoy during the spring holidays.

The Maine School Administrative District #1 has seen the increasing global popularity of escape rooms and thought, why not make our own? It’s the perfect time for it too. As the winter snows melt and the mud returns –keep your kids clean and dry by bringing them to the mall.

The great thing about escape rooms is their flexibility. As long as you have the vision, you can easily create your own. Visit Presque Isle Mall and see for yourself!

The Easter Bunny himself even appeared to give a message, “wow, is that fun. Clues and puzzles for everyone to solve!”

Spring Filing festivities occur at 12pm – 3pm every Saturday and Sunday during April and May, as well as throughout the week of school vacation.